My 300th blog marks a very special announcement…which is very evident by the title of this blog!
For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to get married. I dreamed about my wedding day (and planned it in my head). It went from a big, elaborate function with a horse drawn carriage to what I want now, which is a small, intimate wedding with very few people and preferably a “destination” of some sort. Jon and I have been together for 6.5 years and it hasn’t been without it’s ups and downs. We have traveled the world together, we have worked together (which was a very difficult thing to do for the first long while), we have lived together and now own a home together. Everyone close to us knows I have been bugging Jon about getting married for YEARS. Jon was rightly sick of me by this stage, but Jon has his own schedule for things and you definitely can’t rush that.
We had planned a trip to the cottage for Thanksgiving weekend, and there is nothing abnormal about that. We try to spend as much time up north as possible between our hectic wedding schedule. The main difference about this weekend, is that Jon’s parents were in Italy attending a wedding and so we’d have the place to ourselves. We had planned to maybe take a road trip to see the fall colours and had discussed Gravenhurst or maybe Algonquin. We knew for sure we would head down to Pretty Channel on Six Mile Lake, which is a spot we visit fairly often just for a fun hike or the odd engagement shoot for our couples. There are rapids to swim in during the summer months, and trails to hike around the area, which is popular with campers. We were disappointed to see that the colours weren’t quite at their usual stage of vibrancy yet, but it was a bit of a grey day, so we thought we’d go for a boat ride anyways.
On Saturday, October 8th, 2016, we hopped in Jon’s tin boat and headed down the channel. After pulling the boat on shore, we hiked to our usual spot on the rocks to fly the drone. Jon set up two cameras to do some time lapses of the clouds, which is very normal for him at the cottage (or on any trip). He took a quick bathroom break in the woods, which started to get me thinking that maybe something was up. But much like every other time I *thought* he was going to propose – I didn’t want to overthink it, because it probably wouldn’t happen. He launched the drone and flew a few laps around the area to check out the colour from above. He got me to stand down by the water because he wanted to track me walking across the rocks. While I was waiting for him to give me the go ahead, I saw a shadow behind me move on the rocks…and then, “Heather?”. I turned around to see him on one knee with a ring in his hand (I assumed it was a ring because I honestly didn’t look at his hand). It was a lot of “No! Seriously?!” over and over again. Then the tears came…I went in for a hug and I just started to bawl. I sobbed and cried and was generally just a mess by that point (and this was thankfully cut from the finished video). I still hadn’t even looked at the ring, nor was it on my finger yet! He put the ring on, and we hugged and I cried more and then started asking him a million questions…because that’s what I do 🙂 I wanted to know everything about how it happened leading up to this moment. This is where he also showed me that his “sneaking off to the bathroom in the woods”, was really to put on a hidden mic (which I aptly sobbed into and ruined part of the audio track).
Naturally, the reason for the cameras and drone was to film the proposal and I’m so very thankful that he did. It’s the most beautiful moment captured and I have watched it so many times. Although, my Mom may have watched it even more than I!
I’m so in love with this wonderful man, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him!